(Click the links to read Favorite Guilty Pleasure #4 and #5)
Snakes on a Plane is a movie about exactly what the title implies. There's a plane. It's full of snakes. Disaster and plucky improvisation ensue.
Why it's guilty:
This part probably goes without saying. It's called Snakes on a Plane. In fact, most of the support for this movie, both behind the scenes and from audiences when it was first released, revolved around how openly silly and to-the-point the working title turned final title is, and the movie itself delivers what it promises.
It’s about a commercial airliner that's been filled with snakes for the purpose of killing one guy before he can testify against the mob in the most ridiculously elaborate hit since the twist of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.
Also, Samuel L. Jackson plays a role that’s basically a fanfic to an amalgam of his previous roles.
Okay, there's some sentiment going on here, because Snakes on a Plane, of all things, was Matt's and my very first date movie.
Oh, it's not a good movie by any means, that point must be stressed, but all those objections you're coming up with to the whole premise? It actually addresses them about as well as possible, under the circumstances.
Aren't most snakes fairly sedentary and docile creatures that will only attack larger animals if provoked?
Yes, that's why the bad guys had to spray the leis all the passengers were given with pheromones to make the snakes aggressive enough for 106 minutes of snake attack mayhem.
That's what the cops are trying to figure out, in their subplot investigating the exotic animal black market.
Aren't the people who get bitten and miraculously make it to solid ground probably screwed anyway, being full of venom from a non-native species the local hospital would have no reason to have antivenin on hand for?
Well, that's why our heroes have been in contact with those local hospitals since the first inkling of the disaster, making sure they're bringing in as much of as many kinds of antivenins as possible from zoos, research facilities, and anywhere else that might have them.
Wow, someone actually kinda thought this through.
There isn’t the laugh-out-loud bargain basement CG you’d find in direct-to-Syfy-Channel monster movies either. In fact, a lot of the snakes you see are actual snakes.
So if you're in for some gratuitous creature-related body count fun that doesn't totally insult your intelligence, this one's my pick.
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