(Click the links to read Favorite Fictional Alien-Related Moment #2, #3, #4 and #5, and check out Matt’s list on the same topic on his blog).
On these lists, you'll find a lot of sources of inspiration for The Prospero Chronicles, some major, some minor, and some other alien moments simply too cool or classic to pass up.
Splinters will be available September 23rd (my 25th birthday!), and you can already pre-order it...
****Spoiler Alert****
Even if you haven't seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you probably know that it's about alien invaders who drain the life out of living things to make themselves into emotionless replicas of them (called "pod people" in the case of replaced humans).
The invasion starts small, with a few aliens passing for human, acting strangely but never giving the humans who suspect them an excuse to do anything.
The movie follows a small band of humans' quest for survival, their efforts to raise the alarm, figure out ways of killing the aliens, and hide from them, either out of sight or by concealing emotion to blend in.
The group is slowly whittled down, members becoming separated or assimilated, until our hero, Matthew (Donald Sutherland),
Flash forward to an eerily orderly morning of pod people going about their business. Nancy, an earlier separated member of the group, spots Matthew walking across the courtyard to City Hall.
They weren't close before in any way except how fighting for their lives together made everyone close. But all their friends including their separate love interests are long dead, and any kind of human familiarity is too tempting to pass up.
She breaks pod person character and calls out to him.
He turns, appraises her a moment... and answers with one of those piercing screams, summoning the other pod people down on her.
The aliens win.