About Fiona J.R. Titchenell
My parents’ name is Titchenell. They called me F.J.R.,
A hint about my future and a lucky guess by far,
For J.R.R’s enduring world of evil versus good,
For Robins both of Locksley and the Hundred Acre Wood,
For Jane whose razor wit put all three Bronte girls to shame.
Fiona was my own before the ogre princess came.
They schooled me in my craft, but on my own I heard its call.
Whatever it gives back to me, I give this task my all.
I’m through and through a storyteller. That’s all I can be,
No matter if by day or night, for crowds or only me.
The use of words on paper to encourage and explore
The beauty of the human heart and mind is what I’m for.
I do this not because it’s easy nor for profit’s sake.
This life’s the one that chose me and the only one I’d take.
Fiona J.R. Titchenell primarily writes Sci-Fi and Horror for teens and adults, though she has dabbled in other genres and loves to play in the gray areas between them. She graduated with a B.A in English from California State University, Los Angeles, in 2009 at the age of twenty. Her work has been featured by Feminist Book of the Month and the Harvard Book Store’s Microchondria. She is represented by Fran Black of Literary Counsel and currently lives in San Gabriel, California with her husband and frequent writing partner, Matt Carter. Together, she and Matt also co-write and co-host the Horror anthology podcast, The Shadow Storytellers.
On the rare occasions when she can be pried away from her keyboard, Fi can usually be found playing board games, sighing over her ever-expanding list of fictional crushes (all genders), over-analyzing the inner workings of various Sci-Fi/Fantasy universes, or checking out interactive Horror theater in the L.A area.
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To arrange an appearance, interview, reading, or book signing with Fiona J.R. Titchenell, you can email her here.
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