Do you dream of making the galaxy a safer-
Ah, who are we kidding? If you’re old enough to read this and haven’t already been pried out of your parents’ conflicted, irresponsible or dead arms and whisked away for from-the-ground-up psychological conditioning, you’re not going to be a Jedi.
First, the obvious.
No, wait, let’s come back to that. For now, let’s pretend you’re a married-to-the-job type anyway, or you’re living in one of the more enlightened periods of the Expanded Universe where the Jedi have realized that having families doesn’t seem to be driving the exempt, endangered species members to the dark side, but having to hide one and never ask for help might just have something to do with Anakin’s issues.
That leaves you working for a rigidly structured hierarchy of other superpowered married-to-the-job types who tend not to take input from next-gen members too easily, and every so often someone in the system goes bad and applies those superpowers to a vendetta against the stodgy but mostly good guys.
But not every job involves superpowers that include telepathy. This brings us back to the celibacy thing. Even if you’re allowed to have sex, that’s not what the restriction is really about. It’s about attachment, about feeling, about anything that makes you human (or whatever species you happen to be). And those ideals, about being a Jedi first and a person second (if at all), don’t go away.
This is the Jedi’s not entirely successful method for preventing those problems than come with imperfect beings having dangerous superpowers. And while there are holes in the system wherever it might be better for there not to be holes...
You think it’s annoying when your boss monitors your internet usage at the office? As a Jedi, your thoughts are monitored, so the boss can helpfully remind you to be mindful of them.