(Click the links to read favorite alien related moment #3, #4, and #5, and check outMatt’s list on the same topic on his blog). On these lists, you'll find a lot of sources of inspiration for The Prospero Chronicles, some major, some minor, and some other alien moments simply too cool or classic to pass up.
Splinters will be available September 23rd (my 25th birthday!), and you can already pre-order it...
This one's another starcrossed love story, and one that requires a little explanation of the aliens involved to understand it.
If you haven't seen Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Trills are a species who can bond with a symbiotic life form from their planet, which they simply call symbionts. Elite Trills are chosen for joining after rigorous testing. Symbionts share the memories of their hosts, so once a Trill is joined, the new host has the memories of all the past ones.
Now for the story.
Why weighty? Well, one of the previous Dax hosts, Torius, and one of the previous Kahn hosts, Nilani, were married.
So since they can both remember those lifetimes as clearly as if they'd lived them, Lenara is kinda sorta Jadzia's ex wife.
Dax and Kahn's marriage ended in death, not divorce, when Torius was killed in a shuttle accident. So instead of a messy falling out hanging over them, they have the Trill laws against re-association.
Relationships with spouses of previous hosts are illegal, because Trills believe a joined Trill's responsibility is to participate in giving the symbiont a wide variety of life experiences. Trills who re-associate are banished from the homeworld, and the symbionts are regarded as corrupted and left to die when the hosts do.
Jadzia refuses to go on leave while Lenara is on DS9, saying that they're both adults and can handle the situation as such.
Naturally, they end up working together, and when problems with the project trigger memories of the crash, the feelings of past lifetimes resurface and Jadzia breaks down and apologizes for getting herself killed last time they were together, in a scene I would most definitely include a clip of if I could find one.
Lenara... isn't. Almost, but not quite. She wants to, but the episode ends with her leaving to go back to Trill "to take some time to think," both of them knowing that she's never coming back.
Lenara isn't a Next Generation bland figure of a person with a funny-looking forehead and a one-dimensional caricature of a culture to get in the way when she catches Riker’s eye.
"Rejoined" lets that passionate forbidden kiss (which, yes, just so happens to be between two same sex actors) speak for itself, and spends the rest of the episode, not on long, heavy handed, abstract speeches about the failings of humanity or the species standing in for us this week, but on Dax and Kahn's very personal romance, including all its alien strangeness that has no parallel to anything human.
We don't hear our familiar cast philosophize about prejudice, we see two well written and acted characters fall in love against their better judgment, despair over their unfortunate situation, and make their choices, all while trying to reconcile multiple lifetimes and identities in ways only Trills have to.
It's a beautiful, relatable yet inherently alien love story, and it's that balance and full use of its concept that puts it on this list.
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